Tuesday 6 September 2011

Promote to over 10 million customers across the world

Millions of Customers

Millions of Customers

Connect your business to millions of customers searching for products and services.
Our auditory is constantly increasing and now it's over 25 million new shoppers every month. We only work with high-quality American and global promotion webpages, which bring potential customers from North America, Western Europe and upcoming markets.
Get More Hits, Get More Customers...

Increase search engine rank

Increase your web-site search engine rankings

Showing up on search engines is one of the most important strategy to increase web-site traffic and expose your product or service to customers who might be looking for what you are offering.
All major search engines use a software to determine your website ranks.
Search engines know how many sites are referring to your web-site; more referrers and hits better rank for your web-site.
Get Higher Rank...

Get More Customers

Get More Visitors, Get More Sales!!!

With no day-to-day stream of visitors you cannot have reliable around the clock sales.
It's not possible to get revenue if no one comes to your web-site. You need customers to see your business, every day, 24 hours!
We help more than 30,000 clients get more customers from Internet.
You can get more revenue by receiving thousands of real interested shoppers to see your products.
More Visitors...

Global Promotion Alliance
Permanent Links

Monday 5 September 2011

Millions of Shoppers

Millions of Customers

Reach millions of customers searching for products and services.

Our auditory is day by day growing and now it's over 25 million new customers every month.
We send traffic from high-quality American and worldwide advertising sites, which bring potential
shoppers from North America, Western Europe and upcoming markets.

Get More Hits, Get More Shoppers...

Promote to over 10 million individuals

Promote to over 10 million customers around the world.

We promote your company in international network of partners portals,
each with own targeted auditory.

Our company gives you effective promotion methods that makes your company profitable online.

We will provide you with real and visible results and take your web-site to the next level.

Advertise to Over 10 Million users Now...

Increase search engine rank

Increase your site search engine rank

Be presented on search engines is one of the most important strategy to increase website
traffic and show your business or service to customers that might be interested in what you are offering.

All big search engines utilize a software to determine your web-site ranks.

Search engines know the number of websites are referring to your website; more links and hits
higher rank for your web-site.

Get Better Rank...

Global Promotion Alliance

Friday 2 September 2011

Have economic independence

Job at home

Job at home

Whether you are looking for a gainful job at home or if you dream about getting money on the internet; yes, in the end, you found it!

Have economic independence

No computer knowledges needed. You may be completely new to run our system - you don't need ANY experience. This is really simple.

You can stay at home and work at your free time. Even if you don't have computer you may do this task in Internet cafe or on Internet cell phone.

How it works?

We create a internet-store for you with ready to operate e-commerce products. Your work is pretty simple; you have to submit material regarding your web-shop to the Internet indexes. We will provide you with extremely easy step-by-step instruction how to do this. The typical instruction asks you to open a internet web site and fill in a form with material about your web-shop and software.

You will be paid from US $20.00 to US 180.00 for every purchase which is comes using your web-shop.

There is no restriction for your revenue. No matter where you live your commissions are 100% guaranteed.

Apply Now...

Register now to get financial independence. All you need is the simple: register now and makeown internet company!

Receive Cash From Your Website

Extra Cash From Your Website
Pouring Cash Directly Into Your Pocket!!!
It works round-the-clock, and for not just days or weeks, but for months and months, very own Money From Your Website making you tons of CASH!
It works round-the-clock, and for not just days or weeks, but for months and months, very own Money From Your Website making you tons of CASH!
Have you ever wished about a real and easy way to get cash in Internet, even if you have absolutely no experience?
We have good news....

Get money online now

Turn your precious web site traffic into cash. Join our affiliate program. We offer the most pay-per-click rate to help maximize your money stream.
Imagine running of a something that never failed to provide you with cash-flow. A never ending income generator, a system so astonishingly profitable that you never had to work for a boss ever again!

0 (zero) investment program

We designed this system specifically for NO COST methods, to make thousands, if not millions of dollars, without spending cash.
Join our cash making program absolutely free and 100% risk free.

Get Started now

Sign Up...
Signup is free

Income while you sleep.

Earn $1,000... $2,000... $5,000...
Turn your web site traffic into income!

You get paid for every user that clicks on our commercial. Our goal is to enable you to make as much as possible from your commercial space. We pay monthly, either by check, or instantly through PayPal.
Our program enables you to generate a steady stream of revenue, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Allowing you more time to focus on the things you love. You'll even be making revenue while your sleep!
"...It's great idea making money online..."
"...It's great idea making money online..."
Thank you so much for creating this unique opportunity for me. I'm studying at the University of Manitoba and I have always been motivated to find new ways of making money. Your web site is perfect for me making extra revenue. It's great idea making revenue online!
Christine Taylor, CA

Will my Site work for me?

Yes, absolutely! With our affiliate program everyone can earn every day! You will earn revenue from 100,000 advertisers. Also you can be absolutely new to use our system - you don't have to have ANY experience. That's really simple.
We have successful members from all countries of the world and they are part time employees, students, house wives, retired people, just everybody. Because our system works anywhere and for everyone!

Any proof of earnings?

Sure. For example, look at the results of using our affiliate program. Here is real screenshot of bank account presented by a partner:
"...I have been looking for something like this..."
"...I have been looking for something like this..."
Hi, this is wonderful!!!! I have been looking for something like this! I found your site and just wanted you to know that I think this idea is splendid. Good luck to you.
Iohan Vanden Broek, NZ

Here's All You Have to Do...

  1. Fill in the registration form
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  3. Watch that your money grow

Get Started now

Sign Up...
Signup is free

You Could Be Making EXTRA Income Every Month!: Webcam Software You Could Be Making EXTRA Income Every Month!

Receive Cash From Your Website

Extra Cash From Your Website

Pouring Cash Directly Into Your Pocket!!!

It works round-the-clock, and for not just days or weeks, but for months and months, very own Money From Your Website making you tons of CASH!
It works round-the-clock, and for not just days or weeks, but for months and months, very own Money From Your Website making you tons of CASH!

Have you ever wished about a real and easy way to get cash in Internet, even if you have absolutely no experience?
We have good news....

Get money online now

Turn your precious web site traffic into cash. Join our affiliate program. We offer the most pay-per-click rate to help maximize your money stream.

Imagine running of a something that never failed to provide you with cash-flow. A never ending income generator, a system so astonishingly profitable that you never had to work for a boss ever again!

0 (zero) investment program

We designed this system specifically for NO COST methods, to make thousands, if not millions of dollars, without spending cash.

Join our cash making program absolutely free and 100% risk free.

Get Started now

Sign Up...

Signup is free

Income while you sleep.

Earn $1,000... $2,000... $5,000...
Turn your web site traffic into income!

You get paid for every user that clicks on our commercial. Our goal is to enable you to make as much as possible from your commercial space. We pay monthly, either by check, or instantly through PayPal.

Our program enables you to generate a steady stream of revenue, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Allowing you more time to focus on the things you love. You'll even be making revenue while your sleep!

"...It's great idea making money online..."
"...It's great idea making money online..."

Thank you so much for creating this unique opportunity for me. I'm studying at the University of Manitoba and I have always been motivated to find new ways of making money. Your web site is perfect for me making extra revenue. It's great idea making revenue online!

Christine Taylor, CA

Will my Site work for me?

Yes, absolutely! With our affiliate program everyone can earn every day! You will earn revenue from 100,000 advertisers. Also you can be absolutely new to use our system - you don't have to have ANY experience. That's really simple.

We have successful members from all countries of the world and they are part time employees, students, house wives, retired people, just everybody. Because our system works anywhere and for everyone!

Any proof of earnings?

Sure. For example, look at the results of using our affiliate program. Here is real screenshot of bank account presented by a partner:

"...I have been looking for something like this..."
"...I have been looking for something like this..."

Hi, this is wonderful!!!! I have been looking for something like this! I found your site and just wanted you to know that I think this idea is splendid. Good luck to you.

Iohan Vanden Broek, NZ

Here's All You Have to Do...

  1. Fill in the registration form

  2. Insert received code into your webpage

  3. Watch that your money grow

Get Started now

Sign Up...

Signup is free

You Could Be Making EXTRA Income Every Month!: Webcam Software You Could Be Making EXTRA Income Every Month!


Email:- souravdasnew@gmail.com

Educational Synopsis:-
• Pursuing Diploma in Aviation, Hospitality and Travel & Tourism Management from Frankfinn Institute of Airhostess Training.

• Pursuing Graduation from Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya under Kolkata University [Hons in Accountancy]

• Passed Higher Secondary from Sailendra Sircar Vidyalaya under West Bengal Higher Secondary Educational Board.

• Passed Secondary Education from Dumdum Kumar Ashutosh Institution [Main] for boys under West Bengal Secondary Educational Board.


• Operating Packages:-Pursuing Computerized Reservation System vide Galileo & Fidelio from Frankfinn.
• Passed Hardware & Networking Course from AEM (Academy Of Engineering & Management)
• Passed RHCE(Red Hat Certified Engineering) 033,133,253 from AEM (Academy Of Engineering & Management)
• Passed MDP on E Commerce from MSME (Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise)

• Hobby:- Music, Sports, Computer & Acting.


Date of Birth 1st june
Sex Male
Marital Status Single
Language Known English, Bengali( speaking & writing)and Hindi

Interested InWomen

Relationship StatusSingle


Contact Information

  • 9051187194Mobile

  • DumDum Road,Kolkata.

  • souravbubaix@facebook.com
  • souravdasnew@gmail.com

                                                                                                                                          Sourav Das                  


Email:- saurav1champ@gmail.com

Educational Synopsis:-
• Pursuing Diploma in Aviation, Hospitality and Travel & Tourism Management from Frankfinn Institute of Airhostess Training.

• Pursuing Graduation from Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya under Kolkata University [Hons in Accountancy]

• Passed Higher Secondary from Sailendra Sircar Vidyalaya under West Bengal Higher Secondary Educational Board.

• Passed Secondary Education from Dumdum Kumar Ashutosh Institution [Main] for boys under West Bengal Secondary Educational Board.


• Operating Packages:-Pursuing Computerized Reservation System vide Galileo & Fidelio from Frankfinn.
• Passed Hardware & Networking Course from AEM (Academy Of Engineering & Management)
• Passed RHCE(Red Hat Certified Engineering) 033,133,253 from AEM (Academy Of Engineering & Management)
• Passed MDP on E Commerce from MSME (Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise)

• Hobby:- Music, Sports, Computer & Acting.


Date of Birth 1st june
Sex Male
Marital Status Single
Language Known English, Bengali( speaking & writing)and Hindi

Interested InWomen

Relationship StatusSingle


Contact Information

  • 9051187194Mobile

  • DumDum Road,Kolkata.

  • souravbubaix@facebook.com
  • souravdasnew@gmail.com

                                                                                                                                          Sourav Das                  